וואָס מאַכטן א ייד

Daily Thoughts ( סיא'ז שוויר צו זענ א ''ד )

Friday, October 1, 2010

ABBAland and IKIAville is a same country, isn't it?

A stereotype or "stereotypes" is a commonly held public belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions.

The term stereotype (στερεότυπος) derives from the Greek words στερεός (stereos), "firm, solid" and τύπος (typos), "impression", hence "solid impression".

Recently I found several maps which represent these "solid impressions" toward the countries and areas in Europe in a minds of Americans, British, French, Germans and Italians. Take under consideration, assuming that the post and maps are scientifically correct is a stereotyping some sort.

American View of Europe.

 French View of Europe.

 German View of Europe.

 Italian View of Europe.

 British View of Europe.

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