וואָס מאַכטן א ייד

Daily Thoughts ( סיא'ז שוויר צו זענ א ''ד )

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mo-uee went bau-bau.

It is almost 9:00 PM and it’s already dark outside. Aaron is overly excided and running allover the house once in a while venturing to the TV room. The moment he is where and sees a TV he is asking for cartoons by crying out phrases as “Mo-uee” or “Mutti”, which is in Aaron’s language, means movies or cartoons. The only way to make it stop and ask Aaron to prepare him to go to the bed for a night is to say – “Mo-uee are tired now, and went to sleep”. Aaron usually replies – “Ah Mo-uee Bau-Bau” – and satisfied with an answer goes to the bathroom to take a shower before the bedtime.

This is a lie we came up to make Aarosha to do things (like taking naps, or going to sleep for a night) which he dose not want to do. I think they are relatively harmless, and make kids do stuff which grown ups want them to do. Couple days ago, I noticed an article on CNN website which talks about small white lies like this which parent say to their kids to do or not to do certain things. So Aaron is not alone here. Check it out.

I say that the ice cream truck that drives through our neighborhood is the "music truck." It plays music for people to enjoy during the summertime.
--Breeze Watson; Lansing, Michigan

When I don't feel like playing with the toy that my toddler chooses, I tell her that it is out of batteries, even if the toy doesn't take batteries. It works with TV shows, too. "Sorry, honey, Dora must need new batteries. We'll check back later."
--Christine Stevens; Issaquah, Washington

I pretend fortune-cookie fortunes say things like "Your bedtime tonight will be 15 minutes earlier." Unfortunately, this works only until they can read.
--Rebecca Einstein Schorr; Fountain Valley, California

"Yes, we're having chicken for dinner." (I actually served fish.)
--Doreen Saiz Flores; Barstow, California

That the car won't start unless everyone is buckled in. I just jiggle the keys in the ignition until the last belt clicks.
--Jennifer Nilson; Roscoe, Illinois

When my daughter begged to stop at a playground, I said, "Sorry, all the playgrounds are closed now." She wisely asked why other children were playing at one we passed. I answered that they were not following the rules.
--Carol Catena ; New York, New York

My two-year-old believes that certain toys "live" at the store and are there to be visited.
--Cyn Rielley; Sutton, Massachusetts

"The tooth fairy didn't come last night because she was sick. Her substitute must have been very confused by the new route. I am sure she will come tonight."
--Julie Nichols Forrer; Plano, Texas

"Things in the checkout aisle are for decoration and we aren't supposed to mess them up."
--Erin Seebaldt Olson; Detroit, Michigan

To get our picky three-year-old to eat, we say that vegetables will make him super strong. At the table, we let him attempt to lift our arms. By the end of the meal, he can hoist our hands over our heads with one finger!
--Michele Buzek Bakker; McKeesport, Pennsylvania

"It's not red cabbage -- it's purple spaghetti."
--Anne-Marie O'Neill; Brooklyn, New York

My son had a crush on a girl on Barney. I made spinach balls -- something he wouldn't ordinarily touch -- and told him they were her recipe. He politely ate them!
--Christine Mills Searle; Cleveland, Ohio

When I'm getting ready in the bathroom and the kids start banging on the door, I pretend that it's stuck when I really have it locked.
--Sherry Whelchel Corbett; Bostic, North Carolina

"McDonald's is closed for a private party."
--Michelle Suchand Mcpherson; Virginia Beach, Virginia

I told my friend's son that the compass on the dashboard of my car was a tracking device so that his mom could immediately find us if he misbehaved.
--Rogenia Argoe Lembo
Manassas, Virginia

That I'm still 29.
--Deb Ward; Richfield, Wisconsin

"That lady on the cover of the fashion magazine is a drawing. No one looks like that in real life."
--Katie Penland; Dyersburg, Tennessee

"The sugar cookies that Grandma made are kind of spicy." (So I could have them all for myself.)
--Rebecca Scott; Sauk Rapids, Minnesota

My son thinks he has a heated seat in the back of our car, and I haven't had the heart to tell him the truth. I love to ask him if he feels his tush getting warm.
--Tracy Smith Goldberg; Hastings-on-Hudson, New York

Before moving into our house, I told my kids that we paid extra to have it sprayed for ghosts.
--Amy Talcott Kennard; Peoria, Illinois

"No, darling, I'm not upset that you ate SpaghettiOs in the living room and spilled them all over the tan couch and the beige carpet."
--Jennifer Thornton; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

"The vacuum cleaner will suck up all your toys." You should see my kids rush to clean up whenever they hear the vacuum going.
--Shasta Brucker; Buckley, Washington

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