וואָס מאַכטן א ייד

Daily Thoughts ( סיא'ז שוויר צו זענ א ''ד )

Monday, November 8, 2010

Rock Creek on Kankakee River.

Rock Creek is a tributary of the Kankakee River. It empties into the Kankakee River in Kankakee River State Park which is just west of the city of Kankakee. It starts in higher land and then drops into the Kankakee River Valley. Because of this, the river has cut through the rock, forming a gorge. The majority of this gorge is in the state park. There is also a trail in Kankakee River State Park that follows Rock Creek.

(info from Wikipedia).

Rock Creek is a true representation of the beauty  of the area where this small creek is going thought. Rocky banks of this small creek and and shallow fast moving streams of water give us image of mountain Creeks somewhere in Swiss Alps. The air is full of Oxygen from the trees of the forest where Rock Creek is going through. It is a beginning of November and weather is slightly chilly, however it really sunny and warm sun rays going through thick branches of trees reflect in a weaves of fast moving water in a creek, making resemblance to impressionist painting uncanny.

By being the true nature lover and outdoorsy enthusiast Aaron could not miss these beauties of nature, gathered members of his immediate family located near by and went to the forested bank of Rock Creek to enjoy the last days of the leaving autumn.

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