וואָס מאַכטן א ייד

Daily Thoughts ( סיא'ז שוויר צו זענ א ''ד )

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Google Street View did not made it to Moscow yet, however bunch of the Russian Street View clone websites are popping out all over the World Wide Web. One of the coolest websites is not only help us to make virtual trip to the streets of Moscow, but also become a time machine to the Moscow past.

                                     The site is ---   http://oldmos.ru/

Here are some picks of  my Moscow - Sokolniki , Yuzhnoe Izmailovo, Sretinka of 1970s - 80s.

Club 'Burevestnik'   cr.1984

Sretinka in 1980s.

Sokolnecheski val , building 6 section 2, and a view of Riga overpass. ( 1980)

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