וואָס מאַכטן א ייד

Daily Thoughts ( סיא'ז שוויר צו זענ א ''ד )

Friday, October 31, 2008

Hey who is sitting over there?

New milestone in Aroshka's life. Having a busy movie carrier, making 2 movies a month for Katzman production, this milestone almost got unnoticed. Yes, we were sitting comfortably for last several month, however we always had to support our back so we would not fell down. But today is a FIRST day ( October 31, 2008) Aaron can sit on his own, and does not requare any support. As a prove we post a photo of Aaron first indipandent sit.

Attension!!!!! See, no hands!!!!


Anonymous said...

We are very proud grandparents.
Babushka Lena & Dedushka Kostia.

Anonymous said...

Very proud aunt sends her love while she is waiting for her flight to Spain in London Heathrow.

Can't wait to see Aroshka!!!

Miss you all!!!

Anonymous said...

Very cute indeed, and grown up too!
Congratulations on your achievement from the rest of the family!