וואָס מאַכטן א ייד

Daily Thoughts ( סיא'ז שוויר צו זענ א ''ד )

Monday, September 22, 2008

New Aroshka's movie.

New Aaroshka's movie is coming out today. We waited long time to see, this film and Katzman production did it again. The film introduces younger Aaroshka back in August, but he is enjoyable as never before. His acting skills improving from film to film. You will see it in a movies to come.



Anonymous said...

It was fun to see our grandson in the new role. Just keep making more films, we are waiting for new ones.
Love you all. Grandma & Grandpa Katzman.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. He is getting bigger and cutter everyday. It is seems only yesterday he was born. Keep posting new movies, it is never to early to start building his acting porfolio.

Aroshka's favorite aunt.

PS I wonder were he get his passion for globes :-).

Anonymous said...

it is a terrific movie. The star is born!
With love, Grandma Inna and Grandpa Yura.

Anonymous said...

So-o-o-o cute!

Good job all of you guys! Something tells me that by the time Aron learns to talk you will be making full feature films.

And we will be watching