וואָס מאַכטן א ייד

Daily Thoughts ( סיא'ז שוויר צו זענ א ''ד )

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How we see the world on a map.

Depending were in a world you are, you have a different perception of viewing and describing the world on a map. Every one want to put the place, were they are in a upper center portion of the map, making the area were they live as a main real-estate of the map.

Europeans have Europe in a center, which would probably make it most correct representation of the world, because borders of the map will go around 180th meridian, which is international date line, so you will see not only map of the world but complete map of the day from 0 to 24 day hours.

Americans usually put America in a center, which will split Asia on a two opposite sides of the map. Splitting Russia and China and placing them on a edges of the map, I don’t think it make them both happy.

The weirdest map of all comes from Australia, by looking in it, first thing which come to the mind, are Australians familiar with common cartography laws, why do they place map up side down. The map would truly describe them as people from down under.

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