וואָס מאַכטן א ייד

Daily Thoughts ( סיא'ז שוויר צו זענ א ''ד )

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Aaron Max Katzman - #1 Olympic fan.

To continue Olympic theme on my blog, I am presenting a picture of my son Aaroshka at the time of routing for US swimming team. The eight gold medal im Micheal Phelps column.


Anonymous said...

I love this #1 Olympic Fan!!!

Anonymous said...

Guess who is going to win 9 at 2024olympics?


GenaK said...

I am not sure about 2024, 3or 4 probably, but 2028 definitely the Aaroshkas year. I will go for 10. ;^)

Anonymous said...

Very appropriate outfit for the occasion!

liz. said...

Great picture, he really looks into it!!! Yeah, I agree with you, 2028 will be his year!


Anonymous said...

I want to see a new pic of my Aroshka!!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see new pics of my love - Aroshka:-)


Anonymous said...

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